The art of writing is the art of appying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair. ~Mary Heaton Vorse

Monday, July 12, 2010

3 Things you don't know about me.

1. I have an hearing loss. (but I can hear voices just not birds and other high pitch sounds. It is a little bit more then that but hearing loss is really hard to explain)
2. My favorite pet is dogs, but I grow up with dogs, cats, fish, birds, and one bunny.
3. Best subject in school English (Reading) but not until after 3rd grade. Before then I hated reading! (all that reading out loud and stumbling over words. [It worse when I'm nerves even to this day, I stumble over words when I'm nerves.] (is that spelled right, it looks to me like I'm spelling the body part not the emotion.)

I added a few pages to my blog this is what under my about me so far.
there nothing under books at the moment.  I still need to learn more about my story before I can explain it.

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